Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Fears are Creeping Up on Me

Well, let's just say I can't believe it happened already!  And it's only the second week of school!  When I woke my youngest son this morning to go to school, he had 103" temperature.  And I had MANDATORY lab today as well as a MANDATORY library orientation.  And my husband is OUT OF TOWN!  Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!  The universe is testing me!

My biggest fear when I even started to think of going back to school was, "What am I going to do if one of my kids get sick?"  Who would stay home to take care of them?  I am their mother, I need to be there for them.  Maybe I should put this whole nursing school thing on hold a few years.  Isn't that what we are supposed to do once we have kids?  Put OUR lives on hold for the sake of our offspring?

Well, I think we know the answer and path I chose.  And in today's life lesson, I learned to open up and lean on those who have offered to help and actually ask for the help.  Which, honestly, is very hard for me to do.  Mothers are very strong people, that think they should be able to do it all without any help.  I picked up the phone and began sobbing.  I called my girlfriend at 6:30am and through my deep breaths I asked her for help.  She said "yes".  She is my angel, thank you.  I am forever grateful for the friendships I am offered in life.


Friday, August 29, 2014

First Week

WOW!  That was a TON of information!  It was rather overwhelming, but I leave this week in my past and take with me 6 chapters of reading, a test next week AND 4 assignments already!  Thank goodness it's a 5 day weekend!

Happy Labor Day!


Sunday, August 24, 2014

'Twas the Night Before Nursing School

Eeeek!!!  I can't believe it's all happening... FINALLY!  Tomorrow is the day that I start nursing school!  In other words, I will be chained to my laptop and in the library for the next two years.  When all is said and done, I will have my Associates Degree in Nursing.  Then to continue on for my BSN, which I am told is not going to be much considering I already have a BFA from my previous life ;)  We'll have to see about that.

Yes, I would absolutely LOVE to be the going off to a big university, living in the sorority house and going to keg parties at the frat houses, but that was in my "previous life" as I mentioned before.  Now is the time I settle down and get this other party started.

A little about me, even though I thought it was pretty self-explanatory in the title of this blog... I am a mom of two active boys ages 6 & 9.  I am a wife to an incredible, supportive jet-hopping husband who travels all of the time and I, myself, am about to start a new chapter of my life, Nursing School.  In the eight years prior to kids, I had a career in textile design.  Once my first born came along, I took a little break from the office life to stay home with him.  One more child later, I decided I couldn't sit around so I became a certified Group Exercise Instructor.  I love group exercise classes and now I was getting paid to workout, and love it.  Flexible hours, doing what I love (fitness) and being home with my kids.  I have taught many formats including kickboxing, boot camp, aqua, senior fitness and my all time love, yoga.  Yoga is where my heart is.  It has me so connected to myself more than I ever could have imagined.  It gives me strength in my practice both physically and mentally.  I plan to continue teaching yoga classes while in school.  
Well, I am sure you are aware that teaching classes at the gym doesn't pay lots of money, and instead of heading back to the office job I wanted to make an impact on people even more.  Which is why I then turned to being a nurse.  I started to take classes to complete my pre-requisites to apply for nursing school two years ago.  I took it rather slowly, one class at a time.  And now, in the next two years I plan to be an RN!  

I have my clothes laid out, a small lunch packed and all of the assigned assessment tests completed and printed out.  Alarm clock is set to 5:50am.  I have to get my kids up and ready for school then off I go..... until then, wish me luck!
